Friday, June 1, 2012

May 30, 2012 spending journal

Today I am posting my spending journal for Wednesday, May 30. I ran errands with my three children, quite an adventure, I must say. But a good day all in all because they took a long nap when we got home!  As you can see we went to the ever popular walmart, target and dollar tree. We also stopped to have lunch at burger king, however, that receipt was lost to a spilled drink. I spent close to $7 for lunch. For the most part I stayed within my budget. The piggy banks were not planned purchases, however, the one we had for the boys got broken and so I replaced the one piggy bank for two. Now the boys have their own.  
On my spending journal I have recorded the following information in case you can't read it clearly. I wrote down the name of the store, items purchased and the amount I spent. So, in a nut shell on a day out with the children I spent $142.30 which included lunch. Keep in mind the cost of gas for traveling, I spent close to an hour and a half in commute time.  So I can include about $8 more dollars for fuel. That's a grand total of $150.30. Wow! I'll be on a spending fast soon.  
Keeping a spending journal really allows you to see where your money is going. So remember save your receipts and get that journal going. You can find my previous post on keeping a spending journal. You might be surprised to see where your money is going. If you have questions, feel free to contact me by email.       


Remember. "True empowerment comes through stewardship!"

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